Friday 12 December 2008


(Sai Baba sitting in Dwarakamai along with devotees)


'This is Dwarakamai of ours on which you are sitting. This wards of all dangers and anxieties from her children. Highly merciful is this Masjid Ayi, She is the mother of those who place their entire faith in her, If they are in danger She will save them. Once a person climbs into her lap, all his troubles are over. He who sleeps in her shade attains bliss.'.........Saibaba.

It was at this place where Baba stayed for an uninterrupted period of more than 60 years. It was in Dwarakamai that Baba solved His devotees problems and cured them of various ailments. He has given sakshatkara to many a devotees in many forms of Gods and proved them that Almighty is one. Baba explained in length Chapter 34 of Bhagwad Gita to Nana Saheb Chandorkar. He gave lesssons of Koran to Abdul Baba. Explained about Navavidha Bhakthi to Lakshmibai.

Dhuni which Baba lit is burning perpetually ever since then. Udi was given to the devotees for any ailment by Baba and now also His devotees take Udi with faith and devotion.

Dwarakamai is witness to many happening and incidents during Babas lifetime. Every inch of space in this holy place vibrates with life if only one has faith. Baba spent His entire lifetime here and today rests in peace in Samadhi Mandir. But Dwaramai is still throbbing with His divine presence.

Befor Babas arrival in Shirdi, Dwarakamai was an old mosque in a dilapilated condition. Baba turned it into Dwarakamai. It was the desire of Gopal Gund, land surveyor of Kopergaon to repair this masjid after he started Ramnavami Urs festival in shirdi in year 1897. However, this work of repairing the masjid was not assigned to him but to Nana Saheb Chandorkar and the pavement work to Kaka Dixit. The work of restoration of the masjid was completed in 1911.
How fortunate is this mosque where Baba chose to stay in Shirdi. For decades this mosque may have been left unused and allowed to decay. When Baba first stayed in this mosque it was so dilapilated that one feared the roof may crumble down on Him. Mosque bore the brunt of the heat, rain, and cold and made it useless for inhabitataion. It was a wonder how Baba spent a good 60 years in this mosque. It is believed that Baba Himself in some earlier lives had connection with Shirdi and this Dwarakamai. Babas actions all resemble some past links and what He did had deeper meaning beyond ordinary human intellect could understand. It was only Saints and God realised souls who could understand Baba and realise His greatness and actions.

Extension and roofing of the open space in front of the. Dwaraka mai being carried out by Kakasaheb Dixit. Baba got enraged and tried to shake and uproot a pole. Then removing Tatya Patil's pugree, struck a match, set the pugree on fire and threw it in a pit along with one rupee as if an auspicious offering to avert evil
Ch. Vi

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