Tuesday 30 December 2008

Immediately his stricken and tormented soul felt itself immensely comforted

His name was B. V. Narasimha Ayyar and was a lawyer by profession. Though he discussed about God with fellow students there was no dramatic discourses. He used to solve some cases without going to the court of law on his own convincing the clients of the right thus saving their money.
Parampujya Shri Narasimha Swamiji was a flourishing lawyer in the Salem District of Madras Presidency and was a professional colleague of India’s first Governor General Shri Chakravarti Rajagopalachari. He was a very able and trusted lieutenant of Dr Anne Beasant. He was deputed by her to England to carry on propaganda and educate public opinion of that country in support of her. But just when his ship reached Gibraltar the first world was broke out and he had to return without reaching his destination.
Sometime after this incident two young sons of Swamiji were drowned in a well accidentally while playing. This tragedy drastically altered the whole course of Swamijis life. He wandered from one place to another visiting Saints and hermitages in quest of solace and peace which at that moment appeared to have been eternally lost to him. He started on a spiritual quest and he left home in 1925 to search for a Sadguru, who alone could make him understand the mystery of life.
In 1925, Sri B. V. Narasimha met Jagatguru H. H. Narasimha Bharati and sought his advice. Sadguru in Ramanasraman at Tiruvannamalai. Ramana Maharishi had composed hymns on the Lord of Arunachala (Lord Shiva). B.V.N. Swamiji stayed in Tiruvannamalai for 3 years. After getting Sri Ramana Maharishi's blessings and permission, Narasimha Swamiji went to Pandharpur to worship Lord Vitthal. He made enquiries there and came to know, that in Khedgaon (a place 34 miles from Poona) Sadguru Narayan Maharaj was living. B.V.N. Swamiji approached him in his Ashram for guidance. Narasimha Swamiji asked the Maharaj, where he could find the Kohinoor, the richest gem. The Maharaj directed him to go west wards. Narasimha Swamiji went to Meherbad, a place near Ahmednagar and stayed with Meher Baba for sometime. Meher Baba was considered to be a perfect master, who had toured round the world. He was previously known as Meherwan, born in 1894 in a Zorastrain family in Poona. Sri Meher Baba was a pupil of Sri Upasani Baba of Sakori. Following the advice of Meher Baba's disciples, Narasimha Swamiji proceeded to meet Sri Upasani Baba.
Narasimha Swamiji had heard from Upasani Baba about Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi (Shirdi is close to Sakori, six and a half kms. from Sakori). He wrote in his book 'The Sage of Sakori', how much Sai Baba had helped Sri Upasani Baba. Sri Narasimha Swamiji bagan to collect information about Sri Sai Baba. He discovered, thai Sri Sai Baba was really Sri Ram or Sri Krishna, born for the welfare of mankind and he found in Sai, The Trinity. Upasani Baba's reputation was so great that Mahatma Gandhi had approached him in 1927 with a view to secure his blessings for national welfare. Swamiji reasoned, if Sri Upasani Baba, the disciple, was so great, his Master, Sri Sai Baba must be much greater, still it did not occur to him to pay a visit to Sri Sai Baba's Mahasamadhi till the destined hour arrived. With the permission and blessings of Sri Upasani Baba, Narasimha Swamiji set out for Shirdi.
In 1936, Narasimha Swamiji visited the Samadhi of Sri Sai Baba. It was a memorable event in his life. He stood silently watching the Samadhi. It was the happiest moment in his life. Baba spoke to him in eloquent silence. Sai Baba kindled the light in Swamiji. It was an everlasting, spiritual bliss lo him. He expressed his joy as follows :
"My hunger for spiritual food was not satisfied, till I came to Shirdi. At Shirdi, I was given more than I could lake. I had at last discovered my Sadguru. He is Samartha Sadguru and I live in constant communion with him."
Swamiji was surprised to find, how, for nearly sixty years, a great saint had lived and blessed so many in that neglected village. Swamiji wanted all to experience this spiritual bliss, which Sai Baba can bestow on us. In nineteen thirties, the number of persons seeking solace at the feet of Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi was very small. He also wanted to carry Baba's message to his home province touring every town and village and spread Baba's gospel everywhere in India. He knew enough Marathi to seek and collect information from those, who were lucky enough to come into personal contact with his Master, Sai Maharaj.
Immediately his stricken and tormented soul felt itself immensely comforted. Years had passed since the physical remains of Baba were entombed in the Samadhi. Yet Swamiji began to realize at every moment the living and divine presence of Baba. Baba revealed Himself to his innermost consciousness by miracles of the most transcendental nature.
This way Swamiji discovered the true meaning and mission of his own life. He unflinchingly dedicated himself to the service of Sai. The divine message of Sainath has been carried today to millions of homes by the untiring and inspiring efforts of this high minded and noble patriarch who has renounced in his life all worldly associations’ ambitions and comforts and voluntarily imposed upon himself the rigid and discipline of a missionary recluse.

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