Wednesday 17 December 2008


Shirdi once upon a time
The intrinsic value of the young saint SHRI SAI BABA was known by Bayjabai, a village lady and mother of Tatyakote Patil, Saint Gangir was an evolved soul who spotted this gem among pious men and His astounding halo of lustre. He declared to the village folk, that the Shirdi village was a blessed place, where the great Master had come to stay. The glory of the young Master would soon surmount the barriers and spread all over the world.

Blessed is this Shirdi; Blessed are its inhabitants and blessed are their families, who are privileged to stay in this sacred place of BABA's abode.
The trees and creepers, the paths and lanes, the fields and forest land around is fortunate because they are rendered auspicious by BABA's touch.. The sacredness fills the houses, the temples and the landscape of Shirdi.

The lustrous Sun of grace has risen on the horizon of Shirdi. The saint is the fountain of Amrita. He is tha majestic ruler of this village of liberation! He is the Fakir king governing our hearts.

He Is the flood of lights, illumining every hut or house, flowing with unimpeded gust. He is the humanized Chaitanya giving the boon of purity to every living being in the village boundaries.

The brightness of penance shines on His Divine Face. He is an unfathomable ocean of merits. He is spiritualism incarnate. He is the flame of ATMAN dispelling the darkness of ages.

The sacred soul of Shirdi will emblazen the facades of eight quarters. The entire universe will bown down at His feet. The whole life will be bathed in the waters of the Ganga with the touch of this Young Saint.

(Adapted from the original Marathi song)
Contributed by Sanjay M.Padia

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