Friday 9 January 2009

Here is a short message on the occasion of the Jayanti of Sri Sankaracharya, 27-4-1944.

Beloved Aspirants,
Here is a short message on the occasion of the Jayanti of Sri Sankaracharya, 27-4-1944.

Today is the most auspious day, the Jayanti of the famous Adi Sankara. Let is remember his nam, his marvellous deeds and unique percepts and teachings, his sublime philosophy of Kevala Adwaita Vedanta.

Let us all bow our heads today at the lotus Feet of Sri Adi Sankara, the Avatara of Lord Siva, born off Siva-Guru ar Kaladi (South India), the disciple of Sri Govindapada who is himself a disciple of Sri Gaudapada, the Vedanta Guru who establsihed the Kevala Adwiata Pholosophy.

Sri Sankara is an Avatara of Lord Siva. He who finished the study of Veda in his eighth year, who completed the study of the six schools of philosophy in his twelth year, who wrote the commentary on Gita, Upanihsds and Brahma Sutras in his sixteenth year,who entered into Nirvikalpa Samadhi in his thitrysecond year, who lives still in our heats though he lived aboout twelve hundred years ago, who is still influencing the world and shaping the destily of mankind cannot but an Avatar.

Study his Digvijaya again and again. You will be inspired.

The world has not seen and will not see in future a genius and Anubhaba Gyani like Sri Sankara. A greaat Karma Yogi he was, although he was a perfect sage. He was a mighty Yogi to boot. Not only this. He was the highest Bhakta too. In him alone there was the integral development of head, heart and hand. He wrote hymns in praise of Devi, Lord Siva, Lord Dakshinamurthy, Lord Narayana.

His devotion to Guru was intense. In all his writings he salutes his Guru Sri Govindapada, first.

The doctrine advocated by Sankara is from a purely philosophical point of view and apart from all theological considerations, the most important and interesting one which has arisen on Indian soil. His philosophy is bold, profound and subtle. Sankara Bhashya of Brahma Sutra is the oldest of the extant commentaries. The Sankara Bhasya is the authority most generally referred to in India as to the right understanding of the Vedanta Sutra and ever since Sankara ‘s time the majority of the best thinkers of India have been ment belonging to his school.

“Brahma Sayam Jagat Mithya, Jeeyo Brahmsiva Napasah” Brahman alone is Truth, the world is an illuson, the individual soul is identical with the Supreme Self the Brahma- is the gist of his philosophy. “I am Siva-Chidananda rupa, Sivoham Sivoham” is his bold utternance.

All the Sannyasins of the present day are his great-grand children. All owe a debt of gratitude to him. The rememberance of his very name produces horripilation and escalation. Even the Western thinkers and philosopherrs of the present day bow their heads before this might Adwaita Guru.

May the blessing of Sri Sankara be upon you all May you all follow his teachings and attain self-realisation in this very life! May He guide you in all your activities of daily life! Glory to Sri Sankara! Glory to His Bhashya!

Let us now sing with prem and devotion his hallowed name,

Sri Sankaracharya, Sankaracharya Sankaracharya Pahimam
Sri Adwiata Guru, Adwaita Guru, Adwaita Guru Rakshamam
Sri Sankaracharya, Sankaracharya Sankaracharya Pahimam
Sri Vedanta Guru, Vedaaaaanta Guru Vedanta Guru Rakshamam.”

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