Thursday 29 January 2009

Shri Sai Leela April !983

How to Attain Shri Sai

Bhagavan Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi is a Sadguru and a great SOUl.
To attain Him is very simple. Many have succeeded in doing so during His life time and after His Maha Samadhi. , .
The path to attain Him is made easy for the sake of the people in this age (Kaliyuga) as the people are so preoccupied with their day to day duties, worries and tensions.
Shri Sai Baba. Himself has suggested this for the sake of His followers, with affection as He is a fountain of love and compassion. He knows that the people cannot observe the rigorous methods ordained for attaining God like the people of previous generations and ages. So He has suggested this easy and simple method to His devotees.
In fact we can presume that He is an Avtar (God Incarnate) intended to suggest this easy way. Such is the concern He is having for His loving devotees.
We can probe into this method (His path) now. He said it is very easy and simple if one has faith in Him.
One has to only utter Sai nama (name) with unending zeal and perseverance. ,
He should contemplate on the living form of Sadguru Sainath if one cannot concentrate on his Nirakara roopa (invisible form) until the individual gets required mental strength, will and concentration, as the path is difficult and can be attained only when a devotee can achieve a higher plane of mind and matured state of concentration.
Shraddha and Saburi (faith and patience) are other requisites. Shraddha is essential for constant remembering of His name and form.
Saburi (Patience) is another trait one should have, to achieve this object. Man will have so many trials and tribulations during his life. Many situations in his life will be trying to shake his determination. In such a case one may ask how one can concentrate on Sai. It may be difficult to think, but it is very easy to practise provided one has a will to do so. It will automatically dawn on him just as light replaces darkness.
Sadguru Sai has Himself assured that He will extend His helping hand to His devotees with unending love to help them to attain salvation (that is to attain Him) if one can fulfil the above four easy conditions.
If one goes deep into our religious jargon one may get confused and feel that it is very difficult to attain God and thus get disheartened. But see the method of Shri Sai Baba. It is so simple to implement and the reward is so high, in fact the supreme.
So why can't we have a try?
B. Ramakrishna
Hyderabad 500457

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