Monday 16 March 2009

the author of this book felt very much regretted, spell bound and at a loss to know how the learned and that too who was saved by Shirdi Sai Baba twic

Baba saved Mani Sahukar in the running train
In about 1952, Smt. Mani Sahukar was to go to Poona alone as her husband was busily engaged in a meeting. Anyway she had reserved a seat for her in one of those cubicles in a corridor train in the Deccan Queen. There was yet half an hour for the train to start. She sat near the window sipping tea and noticed a well dressed middle aged gentleman pacing up and down on the platform of V. T. Station. She felt that this gentleman may perhapes be an individual whom I had met previously and did not recognise. So she smiled and wished him, where upon the gentleman came rushing up to her and with great familiarity enquired where she was bound and whether she was alone etc. She readily agreed to join him in her compartment. The gentleman rushed in with his suitcase, just as the train was about to stare and sat opposite her. The train had not even gone a 100 yards when the stranger started showing himself in his true colours. From his speech and behaviour she understood to her horror that he was not a gentalman and that she was placed in a nasty situation, he bolted the door of the compartment with so much of courage, she came up and unlocked the door. She was in a fix that she got sari costing more than one thousand rupees belonging to some one else. In this critical juncture she sat down praying Sai Baba. No sooner had she utter these prayers mentally, a unique miracle manifested itself. As she turned herself to the door, she saw a porter standing there, looking at her. How could a porter have appeared in a running train in her compartment when the train had not stopped in any station. She sprang up from her seat and told the Porter to remove her luggage and cleared out into the open corridor bogie. As she occupied another seat in another bogie with the help of the porter, she tried to tip the porter but looking at her with indulgence, He refused to take money. She took His hand and pressed a coin into it and He quietly took it and went away. She rushed up and down the whole corridor looking everywhere for her Saviour, but there was no sign of Him. She got down at Poona with her heart filled with joy.

She is the author of the book by name "The Saint of Shirdi". In the third edition, she herself told in it that once Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi had cured her puculiar ailment in 1950 vide item No. 12 under this caption and secondly she was saved by Baba from the hands of a rogue in the running train in 1952. Thus she was twice saved by Baba. The District Court, Ahmednagar has passed orders that Abdul Baba has no connection of the maintenance of the Sansthan of Shri SAI Baba of Shirdi and that there was no heir or successor to Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi (Vide Shri Gokhale's book "Sai Baba Shirdi page 59). Bit quite contrary to her experiences cited and also against the order of the District Court, Ahmednagar, Smt. Mani Sahukar has written in her above book from page 75 to last in the Illrd edition in II part under the title "Successor of Shri Sai Baba Shirdi," His Holiness Upasani Maharaj, Sati Godavari Mathaji and Shri Satya Sai Baba. Even though, Abdul Baba served Baba physically much more than his Holiness Upasani Maharaj, the District Court Ahmednagar ordered that Abdul Baba was neither heir nor successor. Then what to speak about His Holiness Upasani Maharaj?. What about Sati Godavari Mathaji and Bhagwan Satya Sai Baba who are not contemporaries of Shri Sai Baba Shirdi and who were not in the picture at all ? Further it is much more wonderous fact that Bhagwan Satya Sai Baba Himself in 1968 told to Shri K. J. Munshi's father in the presence of Shri K.M. Munshi, Editor of Bhavan's journel, "I knew him. He is a believer of Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi for the last 16 years. Once he got out pf the train on severe pain and called Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi. It was Shirdi Sai Baba who saved him", (vide item No. 7 Page 181 in this caption and Bhavan's Journel dated 8-3-1970). Dear readers, the author of this book felt very much regretted, spell bound and at a loss to know how the learned and that too who was saved by Shirdi Sai Baba twice had written as "II part Successors of Shirdi Sai Baba" mentioning the above three sacred souls in her book "The Saint of Shirdi" third edition. The author sincerely requests her in the name and for the sake of the service of the Almighty Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi to delete the II part of her book cited in her ensuing edition as it is against proved facts. If she wants, she may write a seperate book about them and that too not as successors of Shirdi Sai Baba.

Surrender Shri Sai Completely \ Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there !!

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