Wednesday 4 March 2009

Baba given Darshan to Miss. Shobna Rao

My father is a devotee of Baba and he visits yearly His Shrine at Shirdi. Oh yes, now I recollect one small incident that took place during my school days when my Daddy has booked tickets for us to go to Baba's Shrine at Shirdi, but ill luck befall upon me, I was down with high temperature, even then my daddy proceeded as per his plan leaving me with my sister and my mother. But lo and behold the day passed into night. I was restless, sleepless and tossing about in the bed. It was, I think midnight when I saw a Sadhu clad in robe, sitting too close to my bed side with a hand raised. I was about to shout due to fear but my throat was chocked and I soon felt fast asleep. Next day my Mummy was surprised, I was well the next day. My fever came to normal. It was no other than our Baba. I was asked by my mother to light a Nandadeep to our Holy Baba. It was my daily work to stand before His photo and to ask for forgiveness for whatever I do. His eyes are my destination. I always take His permission whenever I do anything whether good or bad. I leave it to Baba, He is there with me and is guiding me in all my daily routine. He smiled when I do good and gets angry when I do a wrong thing. My father used to say always :
"Do your best and leave the rest to the Almighty Shri Sai Baba. He will do the rest". I am now studying in Inter Arts by His grace and hope that His blessings will always befall upon me to become a graduate very soon so that I can thank Baba one day with tears of joy, hoping to he blessed throught my life.

Surrender Shri Sai Completely I Stupendous Delectation and Delivervance be there !!

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