Saturday 5 September 2009

I shall consider you blessed, when you will renounce all attachments, conquer lust and palate; and getting rid of all impediments, serve God whole­heartedly and resort to the begging bowl (accept sannyas)." (Ch. 44, P. 239)

The above is the reply given by Sai Baba to Bapusaheb Jog, who asked Him as to why even after serving Baba so many years, his mind was not calm and composed and why was he not succeeding in his efforts for self-realisation. Sai Baba in His teachings, always laid stress on controlling pleasures of senses, especially those of sexual organ and the tongue. About pleasures of sexual organ, we will discuss the subject in a later article. The tongue, however, has two functions - to taste the food and to speak. About tasting the food we have already discussed it in the previous article and now in this article let us see what Baba's teaching was about speech.

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