Thursday 10 September 2009

Lord Sainath ordered Sri S Subba Rao pleader, Gooty, Andhra Pradesh through a dream vision to do Dattatreya Nama Japa. Sri Rao narrated this in Sai Sudha of April' 1944 issue as follows :

"On or about the end of the 1st week of Feb'1944, I heard a voice in my sleeping moments saying "Make incessant nama japam of Dattatreya."I got up from the bed and thought that Baba has armed me with a weapon to ward off the calamity that is about to befall. I seriously resolved to make namajapam of Dattatreya as directed by Baba, but owing to my preoccupation with other wordly matters I could not do Namajapam. Next day Baba appeared as a judge in my dream and was very angry with me for my act of omission to do Namajapam. I got up and could not then understand because of Baba's indignation. I again slept and dreamt having seen gingelly seeds and having eaten them in large quantities. This is really a very bad dream and indicates death according to the Science of dreams. I got up in the morning and was sorry for the bad dream. I got a letter from my son at an Engineering College, Guindy, that he was laid up in the in patient sick ward of Guindy hospital, suffering from a severe attack of asthma and in a precarious condition. This letter on the subsequent day ,reminded me of Baba's precaution on the previous night directing me to do Nama japam. I went before Baba's picture in my house, repented for my folly and made a serious namajapam of Datta. Three days after that I received a letter from my sick son at Guiindy that he was getting better by Baba's grace and that he would go over to Gooty inspite of his serious and awful weakness. I ran up to Madras to put him in a nursing home but the Doctor in charge advised for a change. I accompanied him to Gooty from Madras by day train inspite off his dreadful weakness entirely relying on Baba's Udhi and doing Datta Namajapam even in train. We reached Gooty and he began to recover without any further medication. Even now I am doing Nama japam for his complete recovery."

Dear readers, The above narration reveals Baba's motherly care of His children. Baba's suggested to all to do Namajapa for warding off evils. Why Baba did not suggest Sai Nama instead of Datta Nama? Was there any connection between Datta and devotee? Did Baba feel the antidote for the problem which the devotee was facing Datta Nama? To speak frankly, a Sai only can understand Sai's language. Perhaps Baba wanted devotee world to know that He is Datta and there's no difference between Datta and Himself. Did not Baba give Darshan to a devotee in Dwarakamai as a three headed Datta? Did He not redeem devotee's from vows to Datta? Above all. in the evening aarthi we pray "Na datta guru Sai mama javari kadhihi ruso" Alla Malik!!

Source: Shankariahgaru

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