Sunday 13 September 2009

The incident narrated below took place sixty years ago. As this throws light on how a fervent prayer results in an instant reply from Lord Sai, it is reproduced for the benefit of present day students of Saiism.

SK Viswanathan treated Baba as a loving mother, a tender father, a spiritual guide and Divinity Himself. He further declared "Sai lives with His devotees, showers His Grace and protects them with such love that no mother on earth can do." Such an ardent devotee had to undergo mental agony on account of His ten and half year old son's missing from home on 26-1-1944.All human efforts including reporting to the police were made.

He was assured by Swamy Kesavaiahji "Baba Helps”, even palmists and astrologers assured that the boy would return safe. As he lost his thirteen year old son one and half year ago, no assurance gave him peace of mind. At last he cried out in silence to Him "If it my lot to loose this boy in accordance with my past bad karma, I will try to bear it, My Lord. But how can I bear the thought of the frenzy some who would attribute this mishap to me solely for worshipping Thee? Whether my boy is traced or not, whether you give me more suffering and agony, whatever worst may befall on me, I sought refuge at Thy Lotus feet and I shall not budge an inch, let Thy Will be done." This sincere cry gave him great relief and he slept with a calm mind. in the early hours he had a vision in which a tall, white robed fakir beating the boy made him sit by his side and served sweets to both of them to eat. When he got up he felt he was greatly relieved. As usual he went to the office and received a telegram, which reads "Umapathi brought home safe." He thought whether this was a miracle or a test for him.

It appears the boy went to Madras in search of his mother who was then staying in Madras. The boy was fed by somebody during journey. The police caught him as a missing boy and handed over to Children Aid society, Egmore from where he was taken home by the boy's uncle.
Dear readers, his prayer was fervent with tears in his eyes and he was more worried if others attributed this mishap to Baba's worship. His decision not to leave Baba's feet under any circumstances is worth emulating by us. Let us try to realise that God is always impartial and we get nothing by accusing God.


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