Tuesday 2 February 2010

part 5

47. Though Megha poured the water of the Gomati river, brought by him, on the whole body of Shri Baba, only His head was drenched and the rest of the body was quite dry. (Chapter 28)
48. Shri Baba gave darshan to the chief lady of the: Madrasi Bhajan Mela in the form of Shri Rama (Chapter 29)
49. Shri Balabuva Sutar had prostrated himself before Shri Baba's portrait four years before his actual meeting with Shri Baba at Shirdi in 1917. In his first meeting with Shri Baba, He mentioned that He knew Shri Sutar since four years, refer­ring to Shri Sutar's first prostration. (Chapter 33)
50. Shri Baba cured a doctor's nephew from Malegaon of Tuber­cular bone-abcess by application of sacred Udi on the abcess. (Chapter 34)
51. Shri Baba informed Dr. Pillay that he will be cured within ten days. He also foretold of the pecking by a crow. Both the aforesaid events took place accordingly. Udi was used all along for application. (Chapter 34)
52. The wife of Shama's younger brother, Bapaji, who was stay­ing near Sawool Well, was cured by Shri Baba cf Bubonic plague by the use of Udi, within one night and this was foretold by Him to Shama. (Chapter 34)
53. Shri Baba blessed a woman of Kayastha Prabhu caste from Bombay and she had painless delivery. (Chapter 34)
Note:-The cases of Irani's daughter and the Harda gentleman relate to the use of Udi. They did not have direct contact with Shri Baba.
54. Shri Baba spoke exactly in the tone of Kaka Mahajani's friend's father. Shri Baba knew that he had no intention to give Dakshina and hence Shri Baba did not ask him to pay the same, though 'He asked Shri Kaka Mahajani to pay it. (Chapter 35)
55. Shri Baba gave grapes to Shri Thakkar of the Solicitor's firm, Thakkar Dharamsey Jethabhai and though the first few given to him had seeds, on his thinking that if Shri Baba was a saint, He should have given him grapes out of the same stock without seeds as he did not like seeds, he found that those given to him at the second time were entirely seedless. (Chapter 35)
Note:-The case of a Kayasth Prabhu gentleman of Bandra, who suffered from Insomnia and of Smt. Newaskar, narrated in Chapter 35, relate to the power of Udi.
56. Mrs Aurangabadkar got a son through the grace of Shri Sai Baba. (Chapter 36)
57. Shri Baba attended Mrs. Dev's Udyapun ceremony as a Sannyasi with two others. (Chapter 40)

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