Monday 8 February 2010

What did He mean when Baba said these words?

Shirdi Sai Baba said to His Devotees as above (that He would appear as a lad of eight years) (Sri Sai Satcharita, chapter 43,44. Page 236 - New book page 226)
Baba's words were always short, pithy deep full of meaning, efficient and well balanced.
Baba's speech established its efficacy or greatness while he was living in the flesh, but wonder of wonders !! It did the same ever after His passing away. Baba said "Believe me, though I pass away, My bones in my tomb would be speaking, moving and communicating with those, who would surrender themselves whole heartedly to Me. Do not be anxious that, I would be absent from you. You will hear My bones speaking and discussing your welfare. But remember Me always, believe in Me heart and soul and then, you will be.most benefitted". (Sri Sai Satcharita, Chapter 25)
True to Baba's above words, He is appearing in some form or other and Blesses the Devotees (solves their problems) when they (devotees) are in troubles and prays to Him with whole hearted devotion.
But, His special utterance that he would appear as a lad of eight years has spiritual significance (Divine performance). When vasudeva and his wife Devaki were imprisoned by the cruel Kamsa, (Brother of Devaki & Brother in law of vasudeva) they were praying to Lord Krishna to relieve them from their agony (sufferings) the Lord appeared to them as a lad of eight years and cheered and m?de them happy. Another instance, Sri Arjuna, disciple & friend of Lord Krishna prayed to Him (Lord Krishna) to give him "Viswa roopa Darsanam" and the Lord responded to his prayers and obliged him (by showing His "VISWA ROOPA"). Arjuna was terribly upset in mind and was terribly afraid by seeing the war scenes and begged the Lord (trembling with fear and his eyes flooded with tears) to resume his original form. By seeing his pitiable condition, the Lord assumed his original form as Lord Krishna (as appeared before Vasudava & Devaki)
So, it is inferred from the above episodes that Sai Baba (Sai Krishna) will appear before His Devotees (whenever they are in troubles) as Lord Krishna appeared before Vasudeva & Devaki (in prison) and relieve their sufferings.
The writer of this article had such experiences many a time. When he was in Railway service at Hubli workshops (from 1941 Novemberto June 1977). he had undergone many ordeals. (troubles at the hands of his superiors). But, Lord Sai (as Sai Krishna) saved him each time from the onslaughts (troubles) •
Now, I am going to answer / reply a crucial (important) point raised by many Sai Devotees. They ask me whether it is a fact that so and so is reincarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba as he was born in 1 926 after 8 years of Baba's Maha Samadhi in 1918.
1. First of all, in Hemadpant's original Sai Satcharita (in Marathi ovimetre) it is stated that Baba had said, "I will appear as a lad of eight years not as a lad after eight years. The same statement is also found in Sri Gunaji's English (adopted) Sai Sat Charita - Page 236 (226). Instead of as a lad of eight years, substituting with as a lad after eight years & claiming to be re-incarnation of shirdi Sai Baba is unbelievable & not acceptable.
2. Saints never die, unlike mortals like us, they only enter into Mahasamadhi & they appear from their samadhi (tomb) whenever devotees call unto them with love & devotion & fulfill their genuine desires.
3. Our Baba has advised His Devotees not to enter into any controversial subjects. (No Discussion of pros and cons of any subject). By his own personal example, he exhibited the same to us. We are all aware of Jawahar Ali episode depicted in Sai satcharita chapter V page 28.
The episode in brief: One Jawahar Ali came to Shirdi & lived in the Masjid with Baba. People were captured by his sweet talk. He also bewitched and began to call him as his disguise. Baba did not object and consented to be his chela & faithfully carried out ail his orders as an obedient disciple. The Guru never knew his disciple's worth, but the disciple knew the defects of the Guru (Jawahar Ali). The Shirdi devotees did not like Baba (a great Avatara purusha) serving Jawahar Ali (a Pseudo Guru) as his disciple. They (the devotees) brought Jawahar Ali in the presence of a great saint by name Devidas (who had come to Shirdi before Baba's arrival at Shirdi) and in the discussion that followed between them, Jawahar Ali was found wanting & had to leave Shirdi immediately. He went and stayed at VAIJAPUR and returned after many years to Shirdi & prostrated before Baba. The delusion that he was Guru & Baba his chela was cleared away and as he repented, Sai Baba treated him with respect.
To conclude, let any body say what ever he likes. We, Sai Devotees, should not be carried away with such mischievous and false propaganda. We must strictly adhere to our Samartha Sadguru Sai Baba's teachings, advice etc., and always remember him, meditate on Him and chant His Taraka Mantra "OM SAI SRI SAI JAVA JAVA SAI" constantly, which will enable us to cross over the mundane existence (samsara) and finally merge in the Eternity of Baba (Para Brahman).

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