Tuesday 21 December 2010

Sai Baba and Other Saints - Akkalkot Maharaj

Keshav Naik of Tardev, when Akkalkote Maharaj was passing away (about 1878) thus addressed him: Maharaj, if you go away, what support have we?
Akkalkote M. (giving his shoes to be worshipped) My Avatar (spirit) will be at Shirdi in Ahmadnagar District. Go there always. Be devoted there. If you do so, you will not remember me. And you will be happy
When Akkalkote Maharaj passed away, Keshav Naik and his son Ramachandra Naik, accompanied by two orthodox Brahmins went to Sai Baba at Shirdi. On the way the Brahmins referred to Baba as a mad moslem fakir to whom no Brahmins could bow. When all four reached Baba.
Baba (to Keshav Naik): You and your son may come and visit me, if you like.
(Pointing to the other two); These are Karmata Brahmins.
Baba to Ramachandra Naik-Fetch Margosa leaves. Ramachandra brought some leaves. Baba distributed the leaves to the four.
Baba: Eat the leaves. How do they taste? Brahmis (with a wry face); Very bitter.
The two Naiks: The leaves are sweet. We ate plenty of the leaves.
Thus Baba parted his sheep from the goats, and confirmed the statement of Akkalkote Maharaj.
I am at Mirzgaon ('Fakir Bua') Why come here? (Kusa Bhav)
I am Bandra Moulana.
[I am Nanded Moulana] You have already given me Rs.3-14-0

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