Monday 21 November 2011


RINANUBANDHA : Part 15 : Hon Shri G.S. Khaparde, advocate, a fiery speaker and trusted lieutenant of freedom fighter Lokmanya Tilak, Khaparde spared no opportunity in hitting out at then British regime so much so that Administration issued an arrest warrant againts him. Khaparde escaped from Amraoti and thru a strong rinanubandha came to shiridi on 5th Dec 1910 for refuge. SHRI SAI detained him while also convincing the advocate of HIS supernaturalpowers. No wonder Khaparde wrote a wonderful masterpiece, " Shiridi Diary" giving a day to day account of his stay in Shiridi and the experiences he had of SHRI SAI. It was Khaparde who concluded that SHRI SAI fulfilled his idea of GOD on Earth. Anadvocate like him, educated and brought up under British influence could hardly appreciate much less accept belief in fakirs and sadhus. But SHRI SAI moulded him.

JAI SAINATH...............................!

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