Wednesday 30 November 2011


Divine bliss is something which most SAI devotees long to have but few get. Let us read the instances of the fortunate few. KJ Bhishma, author of the SAINTH SAGUNOPASANA was filled with divine bliss when on one winter morning walk, he beheld his shadow geting longer and longer till it merges into the horizon forming a glorious circular rainbow. It was a glimps of the Aatmaa.Rao Bhadur Yashwant Galwankar , son in law of Hemadpant, though not initially so close to SHRI SAI but latter was after the latter's Mahasamadhi, had a divine experience when in 1932, SAI appeared in his dream and asked him," WHAT DO YOU WANT ?" To which Galwankar answered ," Nothing but PREMA ( Love) and since then, Galwankar had spells of PREMA gushing thru him, at times whilemeditating, at times while reading, etc...In both these cases what is apparent is the inexplicable joy one has in the Aatma

JAI SAI.....................................!

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