Thursday 24 November 2011


DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES : In1917, a medical student was geting ready for his exams. Appearing in his dream, SHRI SAI spoke thus, " MY STOMACH ( or intestine) IS PAINING. YOU ARE A DOCTOR GET ME MEDICINE." The student answered , " I am yet a student and not a doctor SHRI SAI said ," GO AND GET ME MEDICINE ." The student went in and SAI disappeared. next morning, at the exams,there was a question about colic. 2) Anant Mhadev Singvekar asked, " BABA shall I pass my exams ? Will my number appear in the list ? SHRI SAI answered ," YOUR NUMBER IS 114. IT WILL APPEAR IN THE PASS LIST." And so it was. Mahadev was overjoyed. 3) When Mrs G.S.Khaparde prepared naivedya and invited SHRU SAI to her lodging, HE promised but did not go. However a dog came near her and viewing it as an unclean and polluting animal, she flung burning fuel at the animal. When she again went to invite SAI, "HE said " YES I CAME BUT YOU FLUNG BURNING FUEL AT ME."

JAI SAI..........................!

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