Monday 19 December 2011


RINANUBANDHA Part 20 : Chindi Chor Shri Balkrishna Viswanath Deo : Yes , he is the famous Chindi Chor Deosahib ( Ch 40 & 41, sss) And his fault ? For stealing the precious rags of SHRI SAI. SHRI SAI SATCHARITA gives a detailed account of Deo's rinanubandha and experiences of SHRI SAI. He was born in 1866 ( Shake 1788 ). on the auspicious Champa Shasthi day at Poud ( 29 miles of Pune). His father Nanasahib Deo dreamt at Pune about his deceased son who appeared and said ," I left suddenly as I have been called urgently by SIRCAR ( GOD).But, I shall be shortly followed by a long lived chiled." And so it was. Deo was born and such was his devotion to SAI that he styled himself BABA'S BAL ( SAI's child ).He composed the verses, " RUSSO MAMA PRIYA....." which was included in Shiridi Dhup Arati from 1940. He also wrote the Epitome of Hemadpant's SAI SATCHARITA. Shri Deo passed away at Thane on 1.01.1946 aged 80.

JAI SAINATH.........................................!

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