Monday 2 January 2012


SHRI SAI said, " THERE ARE INNUMERABLE SAINTS IN THIS WORLD. BUT OUR FATHER (GURU)IS THE FATHER ( REAL GURU ) LISTEN TO WHATEVER ANYONE SAYS. BUT DO NOT LET IT DIVERT YOUR ATTENTION. DO NOT FORGET YOUR OWN GURU'S WORDS. REMEMBER NO ONE CAN CARE BETTER FOR US THAN OUR OWN MOTHER ( Own Guru)." Rao Bhadur Hari Vinayak Sthe was once invited in 1915 to get Updesh from Upasani Baba who offered to explain the Panchdasi to Sathe.There was also a lady Athabai or Sangola, who had given updesh to Sathe's first wife. There was also the Ganapati Upasaka and yogi of Moregaon named Vinayak Phatak Maharaj. Al of these offered upadesh. In each of these cases, Sathe reffered the question to SHRI SAi directly and alos thru his father in law Dada Kelkar and got a NEGATIVE reply from HIM (SAI).Though there was no formal initiation by SAI, HE wished Sathe to look to HIM alone in all matteres as HE was all powerful and willing to do so.

JAI SAINATH..................................!

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