Thursday 19 January 2012


A batch of pilgrims left for Shiridi in July 1919, Being the rainy season with the Godavari river in spate,
the pilgrims were stranded as there was no boat to ferry them across. While the pilgrim party was
wondering what to do , a tall dark fakir appeared from nowhere and on learning of their plight , said, " THAT MAD FAKIR OF SHIRIDI IS DEAD AND GONE, WHAT IS THE POINT ANYWAY IN GOING THERE ?" On
the pilgrims' insistence to visit Shiridi, the tall fakir then himself arranged for a bullock cart. The pilgrims sat
in it while the fakir steered it accroos the swollen river. The wonder is how could a cart cross a river in full
spate ? BUT IT DID. The fakir while steering the bullock cart kept muttering " BRAHMA SATYA JAGAT MITHYA" Finally, the party reached the other side of the river whereupon the fakir , after pointing at a particular dharmashala for them, just vanished. Who could he be ? U guess ! Meanwhile,
BOLO JAI SAINATH.........................................!

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