Wednesday 21 March 2012

Reminiscence of my association with Pujya Narasimhaswami Garu

"Sri Sai Vyasa”
Om Sri Sai Prasnnna
Divine Grace cannot be obtained by wordly-minded man. This truth is proved In my life. Though I had been leading a peaceful life as a teacher, my previous karma led me astray, and by bad company, I was forced to take an indirect part in business. As such, I lost all my ancestral property, and felt life unbearable any more, and was thinking seriously to commit even suicide.
It was in my 41st year, i.e., on Tuesday, the 27th December 1944 at 5 a.m.. Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi appeared in my dream. When I orostrated and caught hold of His feet. He blessed me placing His Divine hand on my head, and lifted me up. He questioned me about my literary enterprises and asked me what I had written. After I narrated all the works I had written in Telugu, He asked me to keep them aside, and instructed me to write this — this and this. I bowed in consent. He blessed me once more by placing His blessed hand and disappeared. I opened my eyes and got up. It was day break.
Just after one hour, a friend of mine came from Chirala. He told me that Pujya Sri B.V.Narasimhaswami Garu was at Chirala in connection with Sri Sai Bhakti prachar, and, hearing about me from my friends at Chirala, instructed him to bring me there. On the very day I went to Chirala and had His blessed darsan. When I prostrated, he blessed me and presented me all his works, namely. Sri Sai Mananam, Sri Sai Baba's Charters and Sayings, Devotees' Experiences, Parts t and II, and encouraged me to write all of them in Telugu and serve all the co-devotees in Andhra Desa and take part in Sri Sai Baba's pracharam. From that date, Swamiji had become my Master and the true representative of Sri Sai Baba.
Baba's first appearance in my dream and Pujyasri Narasimhaswamiji's darsan on the very day may be reckoned by others as coincidence. But I ever take it as Divine Grace. From 1944, I had been in active service of Sri Sai Baba as my Prabhu, and Swamiji as my master and guide.
By 1946, I had translated Sri Sai Mananam and Sri Sai Baba's Charters and Sayings, and informed Swamiji of this. I here under give a copy of the letter from my Master Sri Swamiji which was published in Sri Sai Karuna in 1960).
President : All India Sai Samaj B. V. Narasimhaswami 126, Brodies Road,
Mylapore, 3-2-1946
Dear Hanumantha Rao,
Your letter dated 2-2-46 to hand. Very good to hear the news. The name 'Sri Sai Karuna' is very good. You proceed with the work.
The more we work for others, the greater is our punya and the greater the love Sal Baba has for us.
With all blessings for your success and happiness,
I am. Yours sincerely,
(Sd) B. V. Narasimhaswami.
As I thought that most of Sri Sai Baba's Charters and Sayings were fit to be memorised by Telugu knowing co-devotess, I abridged the entire book and divided it into four parts. The first two parts I translated into Teiugu verse and the rest two parts into Telugu prose. I received many letters from co-devotees that it would have been better if the entire book was written in simple Telugu prose. I replied that if Baba so desired, He would get it done.
It so happened that on the 50th Anniversary of Baba's Mahasamadhi, Baba's Grace and Swamiji's blessings enabled me to get the Gospel of Sai Baba translated into simple Telugu prose and published under the name 'Sri Sai Natha Bolamritam'. The same was dedicated to Swamiji in token of my regard and respect to his blessed feet in 1968.
From 1957, Baba and Swamiji enabled me to contribute articles pertaining to the Life of Sri Sai Baba (Telugu) under the title 'Emi Ninnu Upekshintunu', and the AISS were pleased to publish the same in Sai Sudha up to 1966. This was written from the matter available from Das Ganu Maharaj's works and Devotees Experiences recorded by Swamiji. After the entire book of the Life of Sri Sai Baba in 4 volumes was published, I readjusted the whole matter according to the rendering of Swamiji in English, in simple Telugu prose and was praying to Baba and Swamiji for publication of the same.
On 13.6.69, Pujyasri Narasimhaswamiji, my Master, visited 'Sai Kuteeram' in my dream accompanied by Sri Saipadananda Radhakrishnaswamiji and many other devotees. When I prostrated before my Master, he blessed me. I placed the entire manuscript copy of the Life of Sri Sai Baba (Telugu) before his blessed feet, and made an appeal for the publication of the same. He called Sri Seshadri Garu, the then Sacretary, and instructed him to get the book printed and published at an early date. Swamiji presented me a fan made of peacock feathers to fan Baba (at the time of worship, I thought).
Baba and Swamiji were often visiting me in dreams from 1944 till now. I do not hesitate to say that this is all due to the Grace of Sri Sai Baba and the blessings of Sri Swamiji. Both Baba and Swaiiiji infused sufficient capacity in me and enabled me to discharge my humble service in the cause of Baba and co-devotees, in Andhra.
To me and to all my co-devotees, Sri Narasimhaswamiji is the real representative of Sri Sai Baba. Every word penned by Swamiji is very valuable and attractive. That is why Sri Rege Maharaj styled Swamiji as 'Sri Sai Vyasa'.
Though Das Ganu Maharaj and Hemadpant have written books on Sri Sai Baba, they have recorded only stray incidents. But the service rendered by our Master Sri Swamiji is unparalled. He has written the Life of Sai Baba on logical and orderly lines.
In my humble work, 'Emi Ninnu Upekshintunu', Life of Sri Sai Baba, Telugu, I have devoted one full chapter giving a sketch of our beloved master Pujyasri B. V. Narasimhaswamiji.
Om Sri Sai prasanna.
Letter to Pujya Sri Sai Padananda Radhakrishnaswamiji, President, AISS.. Mylapore, Madras. (COPY)
Dear Swamiji,
My humble pranams to your venerable self. As I understand from the pamphlet enclosed in Sai Sudha, June 71, that you are going to release very shortly the life of H. H. Narasimhaswamiji, Founder and President of AISS., Madras, I am herewith enclosing my humble experiences with Sri Swamiji for favour of your perusal and publishing the same in your work dating the same on Guru Poornima Day.
To me and to all my co-devotees, Pujyasri Narasimhaswamiji is the personification of Thyaga and service, the essence of Srimad Bhagavad Gita ond the true representative of Sri Sai Baba. He has taken a lot of trouble in getting the experiences of devotees who were in close touch with Baba while he was in the flesh. Every word penned by Swamiji is vary valuable and inspiring. All his works are books for all time. That is why Sri Rega Maharaj, the Ankita child of Baba, adored our Swamiji and called him 'Sri Sai Vyasa'.
May God the Almighty in the form of Samartha Sadguru Sri Sainath Maharaj and his representative, our beloved Master Pujyasri Sri B. V. Narasimhaswamiji, bless and guide us all devotees of AISS and its affiliated Samajams in the spiritual path at all ties and at every step.
Sri Samartha Satchidananda Sadguru Sri Sai Nath Mararajki jai I Beloved master Pujyasri B. V. Narasimhaswamijiki jai!
Sri Sai Kuteeram, (3d)
B. Hanumantha Rao,
Chinnaganjam, 8.7.71

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