Sunday 18 March 2012

 Sai-Shankar to Megha(1910):Megha had served at the house of Rao Bahadur sathe(a gujrati Brahmin),assistant collector of kheda district.He was taken in service for Shiv pujan,at the residence .Sathe acquired a piece of land at Shirdi for building a 'wada'.To,megha,sathe was his Guru.Now,Sathe wanted Megha to serve Baba,who was 'avindha' and Megha was averse to the idea.Baba said to Megha that he was 'yavan' i.e a muslim and was very angry when Megha went to him.How did Baba know his innermost  thoughts ?Megha went home,had fever,but later returned to serve Baba.Megha gained faith in Baba and served him as Sai-Shankar,as long as he lived to serve Baba.(fr Sai Baba's 261 leelas by balkrishna panday)

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