Friday 19 July 2013

Shri Sai Satcharitha, Shirdi Sai Baba

If you know about SAI BABA what I know about' HIM you will call HIM the Master
of Creation.
(Saint Meher Baba)
In Saisatcharita chapter 34 paragraph 64
“Oh! That you should ask for the calamity of death when I sit here, powerful enough to give you Moksha, your material as well as spiritual welfare! Is this all your prowess, your daring?” this is the words said by Baba to Dr Pillai when he asked for death because he could not endure the pain he was suffering. That is Shri Sainath who is regarded as God, Guru, Father, Mother and Saint.
There was a programme on Local television channel in Andhra Pradesh which was discussing about our Shri Sainath and about a Pravachan (religious discourse) given by a very famous person on Sai Satcharitha.
It was interesting to note that in the lecture given by this man, he has mentioned Sai Satcharitha in bad light. Without coming to any conclusions about the issue I wanted to know what it is about since it involves Shri Sainath.
Any Guru, Speaker or learned man should not talk bad or give any comments on any religious practices unless it is harming or disturbing people to live comfortably in their daily routine.
For all the religions or faith make human beings live in harmony and in right way with Nature. There may be few who take advantage of innocent people by posing as a Guru or saint but the people who follow him do only to get realised and to learn intricacies of life. The onus of leading a person in correct path lies only on Gurus. (As the meaning of Guru is one who leads from darkness to light)
The guru is seen as the one who "dispels the darkness of ignorance.  In some texts it is described that the syllables gu (गु) and ru (रु) stand for darkness and light, respectively
Talks involving sarcastic comments about any religion or faith reflects the mind set of the person who is delivering such speeches. It only confirms that he is not focussed on his own thought process and is concentrating on things which mean nothing to him.
A good devotee of Shri Sainath was pained by the speech and expressed his anguish to me. I tried to know what made this feeling so strong in him and it was Baba’s guidance that may have lead me to him to have heartily talk.
I put forward his thoughts and mine too for you all hoping it may make difference to few who may be similarly hurt.
Sai Satcharitra is the Life story of a Saint – Not fit for Parayan
In the talk given the learned man said about Sai Satcharita that it is a charita (life story) of a saint and is not fit for Parayan like Sundarakanda, Saundaryalahari  are since Satcharita does not have Beejakshar in it.
True it does not have any Beejakshar in it, true it is a life story of a saint. Life stories or Guru Charitas are considered divine and are read to attain peace, solution to the problems we face in life. Sai Satcharita is read by devotees all over the world by young kids, adults, old people and learned. People derive peace tranquillity and often get their problems solved by its guidance. Anything which gives you peace tranquillity and guidance is Godly. In today's life which has become so fast paced do we all have time for reading scriptures etc. in this period Satcharita has made it easy for us to match our speed in life at the same time maintaining sanity in life. Satcharita is written by Shri Dhabolkar is true but it is Baba who asked him to pen it by saying these encouraging words……
Let him make a collection of stories and experiences, keep notes and memos; I will help him. He is only an outward instrument. I should write Myself My autobiography and satisfy the wishes of My devotees, He should get rid of his ego, place (or surrender) it at My feet. He who acts like this in life, him I help the most. What of My life-stories? I serve him in his house in all possible ways. When his ego is completely annihilated and there is left no trace of it, I Myself shall enter into him and shall Myself write My own life. Hearing my stories and teachings will create faith in devotees' hearts and they will easily get self - realization and Bliss; let there be no insistence on establishing one's own view, no attempt to refute other's opinions, no discussions of pros and cons of any subject. - See more at:
Doesn’t Baba confirm His devotees faith by saying so and also confirm His presence by fulfilling devotees needs when he or she showed unconditional faith in Him.

The other point which says Satcharita is read for worldly wishes to be fulfilled. Every ritual we do is concluded or started with a blessing from the Pujari or Purohit taking our Gotra and names. So no ritual is done without a wish to fulfil worldly desires.
A walk to Tirumala, a Warkari to Pandarpur, a fast, or even arranging a talk is not without worldly wish as even to attain Moksha is also a worldly desire.
Every time one reads Satcharita he or she realizes a new thing in it like one gets a pearl each time one dives deeper into the ocean.
Now the story of two goats.
Why should Shri Sainath who can control nature run behind goats. It was His habit to buy goats and send it to Kondaji. (Para 94 Chapter 46 of Sri Sai Satcharitra translated by Indira Kher) But in this incident He took hold of the goats to give us a lesson not to fight with your siblings and to show us what the outcome of that will be.
Why did the learned man saw and remember only this Leela which he calls a story why not the Leela about Isha Upanishad where Baba foresaw how Das Ganu would learn about it. Why not the Leela of Chandorkar (Chapter 7 of Sri Sai Satcharitra) coming to Shirdi and realizing Baba already knew about his transfer to Pandaripur before he told Him. Here in Dwarakamai He was singing the song “Let us all four do some Bhajan, the doors of Pandhari are open let us sing merrily”. The Song being “I have to go to Pandharpur and I have to stay on there, for it is the house of my Lord.”.
Why not this gentleman speaks about Chapter 39 and 50 of Sai Satcharitra wherein Baba has given a beautiful explanation of Bhagawat Gita Stanza or about the Brahmagyan in Chapter 16 and 17. Sai Baba was a perfect human being whose life is an example for all the human beings to follow. He had control over the entire nature.
About veerasan the learned man says Baba sat in a posture which indicates a Guru sitting in such a way. But in Satcharitha Baba already has described how He sits and where to concentrate when a devotee wants to.
Why should it be said that Baba is not the first person sitting in that posture. Where did we see any one sitting so? The posture here should not be a matter for discussion because Baba sat in that posture only once for the photograph at the request of a devotee. All His life Baba sat on a piece of sack on the ground.
How can he compare devotees not to sit in front of Baba as foolishness when he is in veerasan. Baba was compassion personified with the poor and sick. He moved around all as one amongst them and all the enigmatic experiences He gave were not like magic or coincidences but were a respite to the problems of common men.

When a supernatural power descends on earth, Godly wonders are hidden and never exposed unless the circumstances strongly warrant it. Lord Shri
Rama is worshipped as GOD or an Avatar. Why did HE Wonder in search of HIS
beloved wife, Sita kidnapped by Ravana? As an Avatar or omnipresent did HE
not know the where abouts of Sita? Had HE acted like GOD, Valmiki would not
have constituted the big epic of Ramayana. Rama wanted to teach people
that the wicked should be punished to establish Dharma and to prove that
suffering is inevitable to each and everyone, however great or small one may be.

Lord. SHIVA, the GOD went with a joli to test the depth of devotees and
not to quench HIS thirst or satisfy appetite. Similarly SAI acted like an ordinary
man around us. HE never created an impression that HE is GOD. Of course HE
performed miracles not for Him" self but to drag the devotees from calamities.

SAI B A B A' S yogic powers, giving darshan as Lord Sri Rama, Lord Shri
Krishna, producing prayag  (i.e., sacred, place where Ganga ard Yamuna meet)
from His feet, controlling the elements of nature, eradicating the epidemics and
endemics, turning water into oil, curing the most incurable and dreadful diseases,
rescue from snake bites, fulfilling the various desires of HIS devotees, HIS
sleeping styles (keeping the eyes opened while sleeping) reading of minds, HIS
reminiscence knowledge about the past telling people about the present) and
future, HIS fruitful advise, HIS udi producing magic effect and averting the deaths
of HIS favorable devotee Late Shri Ramchandra Patil - all those are the greatest
and supernatural achievements. HE had taken on HIM all sorts of diseases of the
people with the result that HIS healthy body was reduced to skin and bones. HE
sacrificed HIS whole life for the sake of people. Above all, to make HIS most
beloved devotee Tatya Kote alive HE Himself exchanged HIS life for Kote. Can
an ordinary man do all the above? The answer is "No". The above supernatural
deeds lend support to the effect that SAI BABA is VISWATHAMAN an Avatar;
More over it is not an ancient history of Ramayana or Maha Bharatha. It is a
reliable modern history.

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