Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Annoyed with someone

Many a times we find an excuse for our failure, we blame the society, unfair treatment, injustice etc. Resentment or bitterness is an attempt to make our own failure palatable. However, resentment is worse than a disease. It is a deadly poison which makes happiness impossible and drains tremendous amount of energy.

Resentment is also a “way” of making us feel important. Many people get a perverse satisfaction from the feeling “wronged.” 

It is an illusion whereby a person thinks, if he can feel resentful / bitter enough, and thereby “prove” the injustice, some magical process will undo the event of circumstances which caused resentment. Resentment is a mental resistance to or non-acceptance of something which has already happened.

Resentment is an emotional re-fighting of some event in the past. You cannot win, because you are attempting to do the impossible – change the past.

Resentment, even when based upon real injustice and wrongs, is not the way to win. It soon becomes an emotional habit. Habitually feeling that you are a victim of injustice, you picture yourself as a victimized person.

Habitual resentment invariably leads to self-pity, which is worst possible emotional habit anyone can develop. A person begins to picture himself as a victim and results in inferior self-image.

As long as you harbor resentment / hatred, it is literally impossible for you to picture yourself as a self-reliant and determined person. Your resentment is not caused by other persons, events or circumstances. It is caused by your own emotional response – your own reaction. You can control it if you firmly convince yourself that resentment and self-pity are not ways of happiness and success, but ways to defeat and unhappiness. 

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