Sunday 11 January 2009

Experiencee of K. Ramasami Pillai, receiver, Estate, aged 34, Maredpalli, Secunderabad(Deccan)

Six months back, R got stomach trouble. After meals, just when digestion would be going on R got severe pain in the stomach and vomited all he-ate. This went on everyday. Allopathic and Ayurvedic medicines were tried and have no relieif. One month back, sow, Susila his wife, vowed that if the disease be cured, herself and husband would go to Shirdi in june next. In 10 days thereafter, he got a dream whrerein a voice said ‘Feed five persons and you will be alright’. He told his mother about his dream in the morning and this was communicated to Sow. Susila’s mother sow. Ethirajamma. Sow. Ethirajamma at resolved to feed 5 people and made a vow to that effect 10 days back. That same night Susila also got a dream wherein she was told by her guru. ‘Feed five people’. Next day she fed 5 people. From that day onward R’s digestion greatly improved. He eats all things now and has no pain or vomit.

G.S.Devi. c/o Dr. Balaram (her brother) Konakonda (via Guntakal) writes:-
I am a Sai Bhakta, When B.V.N.Swami visited our place on 28-2-44,he was taken in procession through the streets of our village. One gentelmen noticed a strange old Mahomodan walking alongside of B.V.N.Swami at that time and telling him(B.V.N.Swami)”I shall meet you at Vajrakarur soon,” When the procession reached its end, a dinner had been arranged for a large number, but the brother of the host though that the Mahomodan visitor should or could not be given food and so he by sounding his fingers and waving his hands drew the attention of that visitor and bade him be off. So that visitor left. All this was unknown to me. I did Pada Pooja and gave a night meal to B.V.N.Swami at my borther’s house that night and slept. In my dream came a young boy of 6 summers and told me,”you boast you give grand meals. I was not given ghee”. I could not understand the significance of dream and on enquiry I learnt of Mohomadan visitor apprearance and dismissal without a meal. There was Bhajna(on Thursday)at the house of the gentelmen who was the host at the above mentioned dinner. I went there and told him of the above facts and my dream. He felt that Sai Baba had appeared in that form and been sent away from his house without meal. So he bitterly felt his misfortune of sin and fasted, vowing that he would take his meal only of the same Vyakti would appear at his house and take his meal there. Two days later, that same figure appeared and soothed his feelings and mine. He was given his meal and then we all felt relief. This was a strange figure not previously seen in his village. There is a Moslem saint who lives in a far off village and who visits Vajrakarur (3 miles off) where he has Hindu Moslem followers to whom he gives respective Hindu Mantras and Moslem texts and delivers philosophical lectures on new moon daays. The figure that appeared at our village was not that saint, and unknown .
Experiencee of
K. Ramasami Pillai,
aged 34,

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