Saturday 24 January 2009

The old man was praying and his wife was watching the others. Before their departure from Bangalore,

On 1948, Shfi Jagadish K. Munshi and his wife were travelling in first class compartment of the train going from Bangalore to Bombay. There were six members in the compartment including an old couple and two youngsters. Shri J. K. Munshi and his wife were playing cards. The old man was praying and his wife was watching the others. Before their departure from Bangalore, they have been advised not to travel by this particular route because of Razakars trouble then prevailing in other places of Hyderabad state. They have not paid any heed to the advice as they were youngsters then. The train left Hyderabad and was approa­ching Sholapur Station in Indian Union. All on a sudden, the train was forced to stop at Gangapur. The Razakars who were assembled there with rifles, lathis and other lethal weapons cried out "All Muslims get down. Kill all Hindus". The old man all along in -prayer ordered to close all the doors of the windows. They promptly carried out his orders. The wailing of passengers who were pulled out of the train, beaten and robbed and field into the nearby fields. The Rasakars repeatedly tried to force to open the doors of their com­partment but failed to do so. Even in this calamity the old man observed his prayer. The struggle went on nearby for five hours. Then the train came to Sholapur with their only one compartment. All the inmates of the compartments arrived safely untouched by the Raza­kars. After somedays of this incident, the old man has given an article in a magazine that because of his prayers to Shri Sai Baba Shirdi that the compartment of the train escaped unhurt by the Razakars. As a witness, he has mentioned the name of Shri Jagadish K. Munshi in the article. He told that it was true that the old man was particularly praying at the time and added that he had never heard the name of Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi he forgotten to thank of him. Later on, In 1953, when calamities came in his family, he saw a picture of Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi which was hung in a frame maker's shop on his way to his office. He looked his teachings in the photo as "If you look to me, I shall took to you” Then he remembered the past incident and with his wife's consent, he bought one Sai Baba's photo and performed puja requesting Baba to solve his problems, within a few days thereafter, all his problems have got settled at his reasonable satisfaction and the puja went on regularly,
After two years, he was once travelling by a night train left Surat to Bombay. After the train left surat railway station he developed severe pain on account of stone in the bladder. The pain aggravated in such a manner that he could neither sit, stand nor lie down. He then began to pass blood through urine. His co-pas­senger was sleeping. When the train came to Palghar, the pain was so severe that he woke up his co-passenger and urge him to call the guard. The guard came and complained the position that no doctor could be traced in the train and advised to get down at Palghar and have a treatment from a local doctor. The guard called the Station Master and under their joint advice, he got down at Palghar and the train left the railway station. With the help of Station Master, he was lifted up into a bullock cart and driven to the doctor's residence as the doctor refused to come to the railway station in the late hours of the night. In this critical juncture he prayed Syri Sai Baba for help. The doctor has attended on him and given treatment and he was somehow relieved of the pain. The doctor also sent a call to his relatives at Bombay and they arrived and taken him to Bombay the next day. Even for this incident, he did not consider any particular significance to Shri Sai Baba Shirdi. In 1968, his father took him to Sri Satya Sai Baba and introduced to him Shri Satya Sai Baba Said, "I knew him. He is a believer of Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi for the last 16 years. Once he got out of the train in severe pain and called "Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi. It was Shirdi Sai Baba who saved him. This uttarance of Shri Satya Sai Baba himself assumed significance to Shri Sai Baba Shirdi by him.
In 1959, his one month old daughter fell ill seve­rely and admitted to the Hospital. The treatment went on for three weeks. Even then the child had been run­ning high temperature, his wife and himself were very morose. On 14-11-1959, they were informed by two leading doctors that the surviyal of the child were remote. He decided that if the child does not survive he would end his worship to Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi. After this decision by him, the temparatue of the child decreased gradually and became normal by 7 P.M. within three months of this incident the child was in the pink of health. In March, 1960, they visited Shirdi by car with the child of five months. On the way the child uttered first words "BA-BA-BA-BA" He told that Shri Sai Baba shirdi is solving his knotted problems of his existence and guiding him. Apart from all these, a great problem among the devotees that Shri Satya Sai Bsba is the reincarnation of Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi. was being solved beyond doubt by Shri Satya Sai Baba himself in his own sayings in para 2 of this article that he is not re-incaranation of Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi.
Surrender Shri Sai Completely ! Stupendous Delectation and Delivervance be there !!
Source: ambrosia after samadhi

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