Sunday 25 January 2009

Shri Sai Leela April 1983

Not One Word I
Oh ! Sai, the great
Thou art a powerful figure.
How can I express Thy great tasks ?
Thou art omnipotent and omnipresent.
May I know Thy place and power ?
Thou art the pioneer.
Can Thou show me the way which leads to Thee ?
Thou art the supreme being.
May I know Thy great talents ?
Thou art the architect of mind.
Can Thou build my mind with devotion ?
Thou art the veteran.
May I know Thy experience with devotees ?
Thou art the philanthropist.
Oh ! Sai bless Thy devotees, and
Save them from bad effects.
K. Radha Krishna
Machilipatnam – 521001


Sai Baba Where Not ?

Is it not a wonderful thing to note that Baba's eyes are every where, fulfilling the cherished desires of devotees sooner or later. One may shed tears while facing calamities in life but' the same eyes may bring tears of joy in the long run. This is popularly know as "Sai Leela". If what is expected happens then there is no wonder in it If an unforeseen or unpredicted thing happens then it is a miracle. Some times with the best efforts put in, people fail and say it is bad luck and on some occasions with little efforts they get success. This is a matter of luck. If joys and sorrows are not mixed and interwoven then the very purpose of life is defeated.
Today Sai cult is spreading far and wide like passing the that current when the switch is made on. Why ? The answer is very simple. Sai Baba's blessings are with those devotees who look to Him and serve humanity selflessly. Another key reason is that; Sai Baba is easily approachable without observing any hard and fast dogmas or religious practices. Baba does not have any faith , of the in caste, creed or isms. .
I for many reasons believe that Baba's leelas are very strange and He wants things to take their own course and time whether for good or bad To substantiate the above matter. I feel here to pen my few but most significant experiences in recent times.
The first and foremost worth recording event took place on Thursday 21-1-1982. As usual I applied udi and prayed to Sai to fulfil my two desires while leaving home for office. The first desire was that as being the senior most in my department having j put in service for 19 years I wished for my promotion and secondly the posting in the same district and office where I am working at present. To my great surprise and to that of all others, the postman delivered a cover on 21-1-1982 at 4-15 p.m. When I opened the cover, I found the proceedings of my Head of the department wherein I got promotion as Statistical Officer and was posted in the same office where I was working.
Another equally worth noting miracle is that no sooner I reached my home joyfully on 21-1-1982 at 7.00 p.m. than my daughter N. Vasanthi handed over a post card to me. The readers may be very anxious to know what was this letter. That was an invitation to me from Shri. K. H. Kakresaheb, the Court Receiver, requesting me to come to Shirdi as a delegate to participate in the annual gathering to be held on 31st January and 1st Feb' 1982. You can well imagine what 'were my feelings on that day. Accordingly I visited Shirdi on 30-1-1982 and participated in the annual gathering on the forenoon of 31-1-82. While at Shirdi I associated myself with Dr. S. D. Parchure editor of English Saileela magazine who was kind enough to inform me that my article "The purpose of,; Human Life" was under active consideration for publication then (now it is published in the issue of March, 1982). As already mentioned above I received my promotion orders on 21-1-1982 but it is after paying homage to Lord Shri Sainath on 30th and 31st January, 1982 I took charge of the post of Statistical Officer on Thursday i.e. 4-2-1982.
Special mention may be made of another incident that occurred on 28-2-1982. It was in the last week of Feb' 82 that my wife having only meagre amount at her disposal, started renovation of the house. Her financial estimate for the repairs failed. Consequently worry and anxiety annoyed us. She is a member of Orgallu Chitfund. The lottery draw for Rs. 10.000/-(Ten thousand) was fixed on 2.8-2-1982 at 2. OO'p.m. On that day before leaving for Chitfund office to witness the draw, I prayed Sai Baba whole heartedly with a request to help me at this critical juncture. At 2. 00 p.m. all the members of the Chit-fund, who optioned for lot, were looking very eagerly for the result of the draw, for every body present was in need of money. Just a few seconds before the draw I placed the small photo, which is in my fore-finger ring on the number assigned to us and closed my eyes for a while. The moment I opened my eyes I heard that the number of my wife was announced. I was taken away by an air of surprise to see the disappointment of other members and getting the result it my favour. Is it not Baba's presence here to help me ? This being the reason I selected "Sai Baba where not" as suitable title for article. My joy knew no bounds and really it was inexplicable. Had Baba not helped me I would have been put to much inconvenience as there was no other alternative of meeting the financial requirements. From this it can be safely concluded that Baba's eyes are every where Sai knows what we want and the fulfillment of what we want depends upon the strength of devotion and time factor. If every body gets all the things done favourably without making concrete efforts, then there would not have arisen human problems. But the pity is that day-to-day affairs do not move in the direction as desired by us, Some time heavy and strong expectations may prove futile if these have no divine sanction. Man proposes and God disposes. Let us all hope and pray that Baba's eyes which are everywhere cannot escape the attention of true devotees, who are increasing in number day by day. What is likely to happen may be different from what actually happens. All depends upon the sincere efforts of human beings and ever increasing faith in Sai.
Let us hope that with Baba's blessings the gap between expectations and the attainment will be narrowed considerably leading to optimistic life. Let Baba help all of us and make tomorrow better than today and day after tomorrow still much more better than tomorrow.

N. Machander Oas
Warangal (A. P.) 506002

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