Sunday 22 March 2009

Baba Manifested himself and helped Shri Chandulal, M. Metha and his wife Smt. Manubai residing at Kadia Kaveeswar Pole (Near) Bala Hanuman House No. 579, Ahmedabad-380 001 Gujarat

In the year 1953 in the month of February, my wife Smt. Manubai went to Shri Sai Baba Mandir at Ther-kanbhuvan along with her lady friends. Her friends told my wife that the Almighty Baba fulfill the wishes of the devotees equally irrespective of caste, colour, or creed. On the next Thursday, my wife went with our younger son Shri Mukesh to the same Mandir with coconut during evening Arati time. After Arati, the temple pujari, distributed prasadam in different varieties of eatables. My wife received groundnut prasad only and she was worried over it as pedas were given to selected persons. Thinking likewise, she came to the house via Kaveeswar Pole Naka. In front of her, there came an unknown person with a bag in His hand and told her "her husband has sent this prasad, please take it in your bag and so saying He put the prasad in her bag and went away with His empty bag". At that time, I was in office. After I reached my house, my wife told me about my sending prasad through that unknown person. I was wondered on hearing this fact. We ascertained that it was the Leela of Baba to fulfil the wishes of my wife. We became a Sai devotee from this incident.
In the year 1948, I performed the marriage of my elder brother Shri Naveen M. Metha with a borrowed loan of Rs. 50,000/- and I was repaying if from my pay. As he was not an earning member, nobody was willing to give their daughter for marriage to him. That is why he was not married before me. My wife used to fill up the corssword puzzle in Gujarat paper JAN-SATHA. In the year 1953, April, she filled up the puzzle No. 6 as usual At that time, I was in debt of Rs. 3333/- out of the debt of Rs. 50,000;-. By Baba's grace, my wife won the puzzle price of Rs. 3333/- the same amount of my debt nothing less nor more. Was it not this a miracle of Shri Sai Baba to relieve me from my debt.
In the year 1953 Bhadrupad the annual ceremony of my father and my wife's father came on the same day. I am not able to go to my father-in-laws house. I was in office on that day. My children were at School. At about 4 P. M. my father-in-law came to my house handed over a Kaki colour bag to my wife (his daughter) and went away. That bag contained raw vegetables, UDI and Rs. 1-25. After my arrival to my house, my wife told me this, How my father in-law who died in Jaipur in 1950 came to my house at Ahmedabad in 1953. Was it not the wonder and Leela of Baba to fulfil my wishes.
In the year 1954, I came to Shirdi with my family with an aim to stay one day and return. But owing to the heavy rains, I was forced to stay for 3 days in Shirdi. After I returned to Ahmedabad, I had the best occasion to meet His Holiness Sai Sharan Anand, Baba's intimate devotee. I used to go over to Him every now and then and become His staunch devotee. My wife used to give Biksha (food) daily to the Swamiji. In the year 1958, Swamiji gone to Bombay. My wife went alone to Shirdi (via.) Dadar. At Dadar railway station, the crowd was much more and she was not in a state to fetch a seat. At that time, an old man came and asked her Chaddar (cloth like blanket). First she was doubted as He was new and afterwards she gave. The old man went into the crowd. After a while, he returned when the train was coming in the platform and asked her to get in a particular compartment. She got into that particular compartment and found her Chaddar there and she received all her Samans with the help of that old man into the compartment. She turned to the plat' form to pay His cooly. Even without waiting for a while, he gone away without any expectation from her. Was it not the miracle of the Omnipotent Baba to help her in the hour of need.
In the year 1980 between 10 and 15 March a man with a Rashmi Shirt and Dhothar in His waist came between 2 P.M. and 4 P.M. and handed over a packet to my wife. My wife asked him to stay for a while. But he gone away without telling anything, She opened the packet. It contained 4 railway reservation with tickets with all the names of our family members, from Ahmedabad to Manmad by Navajeevan Express. After my return from office, my wife handed over the packet to me. On seeing this, I was astonished and enquired in the railway station and found to be correct. I ascertained who else would have given this except the Almighty Baba. I enquired about this with His Holiness Sai Sharan Anandji. He told me to go to Shirdi as this was Baba's wish. Accordingly, we came to Shirdi by utilising these tickets upto Manmad.
As for the second time in 1981, between 10 and 15 March, a man came and thrown a packet in my house between 2 P.M. and 4 P.M. My father took it in and opened it. There were 4 railway reservation with tickets from Ahmedabad to Manmad and UDI also. As per the wishes of Baba, we came to Shirdi by utilising these tickets upto Manmad.
As for the third time in 1982 on 12-3-1982 between 2 P.M. and 4 P.M. a man like a riskshawala came and given a packet to my wife and went away. She opened it and found the same 4 railway reservation with tickets from Ahmedabad to Manmad. Hence, we came to Shirdi by utilising these tickets upto Manmad.
As for the fourth time in 1983, on 15-3-1983 my wife and my daughter gone for darshan of the Samadhi of this Holiness Sai Sharan Anand who expired on 25-8-1982 and offered her Prasad to the Pujari (Sevak) there. He has given prasad in a white plastic Jar and from the jar there came a packet in his hand and it was handed over to my wife. The pujari again received it, opened it and found that there were 4 railway reserva­tion with tickets from Ahmedabad to Manmad with the date of journey was on 30-4-1983. But this time, my name was not found in these tickets instead my son's names Nithia and Metha were found, utilised these tickets for the past three years 1980, 1981, 1982. I thought this time to retain these tickets as Baba's prasad and came to Shirdi on 30-4-1983 of my own accord.
The following tickets were preserved by me from 15-3-83. Reservation with tickets from Ahmedabad to Manmad to perform journey on 30-4-83 by Nava-jeevan Express. Compartment No. S/13, seats from 55 to 59.
Railway Reservation Ticket Number
Railway fare ticket no.
Compartment NO and Seat No.
Nithin C.Mehta
Compartment No 8/13 Seat No.55
Manubai Mehta
Seat No.56
Vihangini Mehta
Seat No.57
Chaki Anita Mehta
Seat No.58
Babu (Rachit) Child
Seat No.59
Dear readers please think over what sort of help beloved Baba had done in this case.
Surrender Shri Sal Completely I Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there II

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