Sunday 12 April 2009

Baba cured Typhoid Fever of the eldest daughter of Shri Ramachandra Amritha Rao Deshmukh of Shirdi and made him to have faith in him by His other miracles

I was not accustomed to go to Baba's Mandir even though I am residing in Shirdi. My eldest daughter fell with typhoid in 1961. She was admitted in the Dispensary (Now called Sainath Chhaya guest house). The fever did not abate even after medical treatment in the dispensary. My wife used to give her Baba's Tirtham daily in the morning and in the evening. Even though she was given treatment for 45 days in the Dispensary, she was not improved though not fully cured. Hence we were vexed with her treatment and taken her back from the dispensary in the same status as we admitted her. My wife fully relaying on Baba's Thirtham, administered it mixing with Baba's UDI daily twice without using any other medicine, I told my wife that even the medicine proved futile to her and what Baba's Thirtham and UDI will do. She became alright and started to eat within 3 days from the day of her discharge from the Dispensary. She became hale and healthy within a month. My wife told me rather compelled me to believe that Baba's UDI and Tirtham alone cured my daughter and no other medicine.
My mother had seen Sai Baba. She used to attend each and every Arati and took Baba's UDI and Thirtham daily. On one day in 1961 at the time of her going for her privy, at about 4 A.M., she accidentally fell into the well by the side of our house. No one was then noticed. At about 5 A.M. those who came for drawing water in the well saw her and taken out from the well. The depth of the water in the well was only up to the neck. But the depth of the bottom of the well to the upper floor level was 48 feet. She was fully drenched in the cold water and remained in the water for about one hour in that old age. After taking her out, two doctors examined her immediately and they told that her survival was depends upon the blessings of Baba as her body became severe cold. Even though she fell from a height to the depth of 48' not even a wound was found in her body by Baba's grace. Doctors were also with full of amazement as to how the old lady was escaped without a hurt and thrived and decided that all these narrow escape from the well falling without any hurt and survival of a severe cold body were due to by the wonderful Leela of the Almighty Shri Sai Baba.
After ascertaining that Baba alone had saved my eldest daughter from Typhoid and my old age mother from well falling, I have got full faith in Baba and began to worship Baba. I began parayan of Baba's Sat-charitra in Marathi at least daily one chapter in the evening. As soon as I began to read, a very big frog used to come and remain by my side till my reading was over. This went on till the parayan of Baba's Satcharitra was over. On the next day of final reading or say my parayan was over, it never came again. Not our family members but who were coming to my house have also seen this We all decided that Sai himself came in this disguise to listen my parayan in order to strengthen my faith in Him. Then it became a very big problem for me about my eldest daughter's marriage. I decided that however, my position may be, I have to perform her marriage at any cost in 1974. At that time, I fell ill and I had no finance to perform her marriage. I heartily prayed to "O Baba You Yourself relieving our family problems even though I got no faith in you in the begining, now I pray from my bottom of the heart to fulfil my eldest daughter's marriage and cure me from my illness". Baba heard my prayer. On one fine morning in January 1975 my eldest brother came along with bridegroom's parents to my house and exchanged talks with us and settled the marriage on 18-5-1975. Mari­age was performed in a simplest and in a fit manner in Baba's Mangalkaryalalya. We have prepared food for 500 persons that too more than our expectation. Unexpectedly more than 800 persons came. They have to be fed compulsorily if not the honour of my family would be at stake. There were no ways and means forthcoming to me to solve the problem. Fully trusting in Baba I hurried to Baba's Dwarakamayee, prayed heartily to Baba to save my family honour, took UDI, and came to Mangalkaryalaya and put Baba's UDI in all the vessels containing food and began to serve the guests. To the amazement of all not only the 800 per­sons were fed, but the food for about 200 persons rem­ained. Thus the Omnipotaiit Baba by His Leela, magnanimously saved the honour of my family.

Surrender Shri Sai Completely ! Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there !!

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