Friday 1 May 2009

We read so far as to how Shri Sai Baba Shirdi has helped His devotees even after His Mahasamadhi on 15-10-1918 and proved beyond all reasonable doubts that there are no sishyas, successors, heirs, rebirths or reincarnations to Him. The propoganda of Sai cult is being done by so many devotees throughout India and abroad. In His Place (i.e.,) in Shirdi, the Sansthan of Shri Sai Baba whose main object must be the propagan­da of Sai cult publishes their monthly official organ in the name of "Shri Sai Leela", a monthly magazine. It publishes the occurances in Baba's Sansthan, General
Divine and Religion theory from other books and of other saints and a few Sai Leela for name sake. Other than Sai Leelas, the devotees may knew all these by themselves and they want to know only the day to day Sai Leelas to have faith in Him still stronger and to tell His Leelas to their friends and others. Now. Baba's Sansthan is publishing this monthly Sai Leela Magazine only in English and Hindi in one book and Marathi in a separate book with different articles in each language unconnected with each other. This should not be. This Sai Leela Magazine must be published alike in all the Indian Standard languages and that too this must contain only the "Sai Leelas" and the occurances of Baba's Sansthan and nothing else whatsoever. Besides this, the Sansthan has to necessarily appoint a staff to collect "Sai Leelas" from the visiting devotees to Shirdi, scrutinize and publish them even if there are some avoidable delay in publishing them in Sai Leela Magazine. This has to be looked after without fail and sincerely as the mere reading of the "Leelas" of Shri Sai Baba will wipe away our Karma as per the sayings of Baba.
Apart from this, if the stock of Baba's Satcharitra and other books in any language is exhausted, it is being told that there is no stock of the same for months toge­ther. What prevented the Sansthan to have it printed and make it available on the very day of the "NIL" stock of the previous edition. The Sansthan has to provide the sale of Baba's Satcharitra in all the Indian standared languages. For instance, there is no Baba's Satcharitra in Malayalam.
If there is no breast milk to the child, will the mother leave the child without milk ? No, she will certainly find out the ways and means to feed her child with milk. As such, there is no use of escaping from this necessary required responsibility on some plea or other and thereby making the devotees to suffer. This is mainly due to the handing over of the printing work to the private presses. The then Baba's Sansthan Committee and the present Sansthan have ignored this impor­tant item in having a "printing press of all languages" owned by the Sansthan itself. This is very much regretable. A question may arise, if the press runs in a loss, how the Sansthan would manage it ? Without starting the work, how can it be ascertained or pre expected that it would run in loss ? If it then found to be a loss, ways and means have to be devised to set it right. Sanction may be accorded from the Government to receive papers at the production rates from the paper mills as was now in practice in Andhra Pradesh for printing religious books. If it is known that Baba's Sansthan has got a Printing Press of its own some paper mills may come forward to supply paper periodically as well as printing materials as an offering to Baba. Hence, the Sansthan has to take steps to have a Printing Press of its own necessarily.
In view of the foregoing circumstances fully explai­ned, the author hereby sincerely appeals in the name and for the sake of the service of the Almighty Shri Sai Baba to the able Sai devotees of the world, to facilitate the Sanathan of Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi, SHIRDI (P.O.) Ahmednagar District Maharashtra, India, to have a pri­nting press of its own with all languages and enable the Sansthan not to say the four syllabled mantra "There is no stock" of Baba's books.
For instance, an ardent Sai devotee, His Holiness B. V. NARASIMHASWAMIJI (Late), Founder and President of All India Sai Samaj, Mylapore, Madras-4, having found His difficulties with the printers, establi­shed a printing press of the Samaj by name "All India Sai Samaj Press, Mylapore, Madras-4" with the help of Sai devotees. The then Baba's Sansthan Committee and the present Baba's Sansthan has used and is using His "Ashtothra Namavali" in the name of daily Abhi-shek Puja, whereas they have omitted His other ardent activities. His Sahasranamavali on Baba was omitted. This may got tape recorded and be played through mic­rophone from the commencement of Baba's daily Abhi-shek till Mangala Arati instead of playing other records as simply hearing of Baba's Sahasranamavali will wipe away our Karma.
There is no one like His Holiness B. V. Narasimha-swamiji who suffered personally, physically, mentally, financially and who with Baba's punishment, served Baba sincerely, selflessly and wholehear­tedly throughout His life and thereby gained Sadgati by Baba. He is the only incumbent who made Baba available to all the devotees in India and abroad through His books and lectures on Sal's Cult. Such a noble and grandeur Soul has written all His books with "NO COPYRIGHT" and stated Him­self with a firm aim that anyone may print and publish His books as Baba's cult is wide open to all irrespective of caste, colour or creed without any restriction by anybody for all books whatsoever on Baba's cult must be without ''COPYRIGHT".
In considering this standared principle which is the willing one of Baba, the author has written and published this book with "NO COPYRIGHT." The author offers his sincere gratitude to Shri Sivanesan swamy, a sevak of Shri Sai Baba's Chawadi for his help in translating Baba's Marathi literatures to the author as well as to the Printers for their hearty co-operation. The author kindly requests the devotees that he wants no comments from them except their whole hearted devo­tion to Shri Sai Baba and His blessings to them. At length the author requests the devotees to forgive and forget if there are any error.
"May the Almighty Shri Sai Baba shower His blessings on all His devotees."
Be good I Do good I! Learn good ! Earn good II Love good I Live good !! As you think; so you become !!
Surrender Shri Sai Completely I Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there !!

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