Friday 7 August 2009

The Infinite Grace

I grew up in my aunt’s house in a village since I was 2 years old. There I used to watch my niece perform Aarti with a child’s curiosity. When she reached 16 she was married. Her first delivery was a difficult one. In villages in those only the barber’s wife did the mid-wife and she said that my niece has to be taken to Hospital as her acute labour pains continued unabated. The nearest town was 6 miles away and the available conveyance was by bullock-cart and the road was bumpy, uneven and katcha. Not a recommendable proposition. So all were worried. Meantime hearing our conversation, amidst her labour pains, she said that Baba will protect her. So saying she cried aloud “Baba, Baba, Baba”. At the doorway of the room where she was lying, there appeared a hand in abhaya mudra and soon after she delivered a baby without any difficulty. This happened in 1939 on an evening at about 6.45. That was my first conscious introduction to Baba’s leelas. Later in the company of my mother, who used to observe a vow on Thursdays and perform Aarti, my faith in the Almighty was developed and sealed.

I used to write songs in praise of the Lord whenever I was in distress and sing them. I have composed so far more than 4000 songs. I was and I am worshipping Balaji of Tirupathi, our family diety and also Lord Subrahmanya, Goddess Mahalakshmi and Rajarajeswari Devi. I observe a vow on Saturdays and Krithiga days. I have Baba’s photo in my pooja room. A day before Krithiga I used to have dream when a big cobra used to come and dance on my chest. This was just a reminder to me that the next day was Krithiga, the day of Lord Subrahmanya. I started my Saturday vow when I was in an acute difficult situation. I took a vow that I will write 108 songs - one each day - on Lord Balaji and my troubles must be over before I complete 108. Graciously enough my trouble was over soon after.

Once I was virtually on death-bed because of severe jaundice. I was then just 32 years old with a Young wife and two kids. I left hope of my life as the doctors numbered my days. My people were all weeping by my bed-side when my old maidservant came and said to my wife, “Take a vow to deposit your mangala-sutra in Balaji’s Hundi, if he became alright”. Hearing this, I gathered all my feeble strength and shouted at her stating that I have no more belief in Balaji, who could not help my recovery. At this the maid servant became unconscious suddenly and Balaji possessed her and said “Dear child I have been protecting you from long (instances were quoted here). Why do you lose confidence in me now? You will be cured by a doctor who will come today from south. Apologise for your words”. My maid servant did not know any of the incidents in my life; but she quoted them all correct. Later the doctor came as prophesied, cured me and I bear witness to this.

When I was in India I used to attend bhajans on Thursdays. I went to Mbeya in Tanzania and there I used to conduct bhajans on Monday in temple and Thursdays in my house regularly. Recently in Oman I had occasion to meet one gentleman named Saibaba whose office is next to mine. When he was introduced to me I nearly picked up a quarrel with him questioning how he can have his name as “Saibaba”. Now he is a very good friend of mine and he took me to Dr.Homi Kaikobad’s house, where I was since then attending Sai Satsangh and Aarti regularly.

A couple of months back I had a dream. I was on the last step of a staircase in a Railway station. An old lady in mid - 50’s was sitting in a wheel-chair. She was wearing a red saree, red blouse, red kumkum, and her jewels were shining most radiantly. Next to her an old man, in torn clothes, was also standing with a rickshaw who asked me, “My son, tell me where you want to go? I will take you. This lady also follows me in her wheel-chair”. I was then worried about my job opportunities and was praying to Goddess Rajarajeshwari and Baba to show me a right place. The result was the dream. It was a symbolic assurance of help which I got quickly later! I always get answers in my dreams, and my dreams come true.

I am a Tamil Brahmin and Civil Engineer. My family is in Madras. I am 50 years old now and have one son and 4 daughters. Three of them are married all within a range of 45 days. It is all His grace. I always find His hand and guidance and feel his presence in everything. I do not see any difference between Lord Venkateshwara (Venkusa?) and Shirdi Baba. I don’t know why but Dr. Homi took a special liking for me and I am grateful to hi. He was the leading light in Sai devotion in Muscat. I am nothing when compared to his revelations. He is utterly a Sai Diwana with Sai perpetually on his lips and in his heart. He always had an irresistible urge to meet the echoes of his inner call. Answering this call, one day he suddenly left Muscat, God knows where, without a word to anybody, in search of the Greater Self, throwing away a flourishing practice, his many-sided popularity, his ever-widening circle of friends and well-wishers. I am sure he left to find a place of solitude in some unknown and obscure corner of the world where, without any disturbance from devotees or patients, he can pursue this spiritual urge which became a magnificent obsession for him. But the imprint that he left in Muscat is too deep to be erased or forgotten. We miss him like the Gopis of Vrindavana in the absence of their Krishna, the Eternal Flute Player.

Ruwi-Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
(Article based on a letter received by
Shri K.Navin Chander from Hyderabad)

(as published in Saileela Magazine July 1985
special Guru Poornima number)

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