Sunday 19 December 2010

BABA’S NATURE - I am Krishna

Baba (seated in Dwaraka Mayi) to Uddhavesa Bua(UB): “Give me Rs.11 dakshina”.

U.B: I have given my ten Indriyas and mind.

S.B: No. Who are you to give them? They are mine already. Read Pothi i.e., do Parayana.

U.B: Of what Purana?

S.B: Of that in which I have spoken to you, and in which I still speak to you?

UB: Is it Gita? Jnaneswari?

SB: Go and fetch what Bapu Saheb Jog is reading Uddhavesa brought XI skanda of Srimad Bhagavatha from Jog.

SB: (slipped his finger into the book suddenly and said) Read this. [It opened at Krishna Uddhava samvada] Daily read this, and sit at my feet and meditate on it.

[N.B: That meditation is the gift of 11 Rs. eleventh (Skanda) to Baba, Sai Krishna, seated in the heart.]

Sai Baba Charters and Savings by Narasimha Swami

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