Wednesday 5 January 2011

Jai Sai

Shri GB Tamhane of Lohar Lane,Chendani,had no belief in SHRI SAI. In 1954 his elder
brother was suffering from brain coma & the doctors had given up hopes. He was counting
hours & minutes & the dead line was 12 midnight. Shri Tamhane & his brother in law kept
watch & the latter being a devotee of LORD GANESH,was reciting Ganesh STOTRAS.
As the clock struck 12 ,Tamhane was astonished to see the smiling face of SHRI SAI
bending over & looking at his ailing brother.It was only a moment's scene,but Tamhane
saw the clear face of SHRI SAI,HIS silvery white beard & a cloth tied over HIS head.
He cried loudly to his brother in law " OH ! Look at SHRI SAI there !" His brother in law
looked all around but saw no one for SHRI SAI had vanished.Since that very moment,
Tamhane's elder brother started recovering & was soon restored to good health.Truth
is always stranger than fiction .

JAI SAI NATH MAHARAJ !...............

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