Friday 7 January 2011

Jai Sai

The son of Mrs R.Fernandez named Tony of Mahim ,Mumbai,fell seriously ill just about the time he was to appear for his BSc in 1981. The boy's urine & blood were examined while an x-ray of his chest was also taken which reveated a slight patch there & could not be cured despite medication.A family friends SAI devotee & homeopath Dr Choudhury himself then gave a medicine but also made it clear taht save SHRI SAI none could cure Tony as he ( the homeopath) was HIS mere instrument.With full faith in SHRI SAI,the medicine was prescribed & the boy next morning felt much better & stopped all other medicine A poor man meanwhile that morning was standing on the door with a torn sleeve & asked Mrs Fernandez for a white shirt & though she did not have 1 she went to fetch some coins instead.The poor man had vanished by then.Nex day,the test on Tony were reconducted & all were normal. Wow ! Great !
BOLO JAI SAINATH !.....................

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