Concluding portion of the interview : Q5) Do you remember the conversation between your
father ( SHAMA ) & SAI ? A5) Yes my father used to often ask SHRI SAI, " Arre Deva ,
what are you doing ? My father being very close to SAI addressed HIM always as Tu rather
than Aap which most devotees did . Q6) Did SHRI SAI ever get angry ? A6) Yes very often
but what I saw each time HE lost HIS temper, Tatya handled him . Q7) Do you remember
Tilak's meeting with SAI ? A7) Yes very clearly & though most of it has been mentioned in
other texts, the day whenTilak came to Shiridi , food was prepared for 300 persons & a big
feast was held. Q8) What language did SAI speak ? A8) Marathi , Urdu , & Hindi. Q9) Do
you remember any chamatkar of SAI ? A9 ) Yes , the Handi episode. Q10) Were you afraid
of SAI ? A10) No. SAI usedto take a little rice out of the Handi & HE loved the Dhuni very
much. HE used to offer it rice 3 times. Concluded.
JAI SAINATH.....................!
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