Friday 11 November 2011


TRUE SANNYAS. Bapusaheb jog once asked SHRI SAI (CH44,SSS) "Why is my mind always fickle in spite of serving YOU single mindedly for many years ? When will I achieve stability ? Is this what I have gained in the companyof a SAINT ?" SHRI SAI answered ," YOUR BAD ACTIONS WILL BE DESTROYED, YOUR MERITS AND DEMERITS WILL BE REDUCED TO ASHES AND I WILL CONSIDER YOU FORTUNATE WHEN I SEE YOU BEG FOR ALMS. WHEN YOU OVERCOME ALL YOUR IMPEDIMENTS, IMMERSE YOURSELF IN MEDITATION ON GOD BREAKING ALL ATTACHMENTS,HOPES AND DESIRES COMPLETELY. I WILL CONSIDER YOU FORTUNATE." And it happened so. Jog's wife passed away and being issueless , he took sanyas and after SAI's nirvana,settled in Sakori. Jog merged into SHRI SAI on 22.12.1926 and his samadhi is near DATTA MANDIR atSakori. The point to note here is simply wishing for sannyas and wearin ochre robes does not make one a sanyasi.It is a slow and gradual process which one has to undergo.

JAI SAINATH.........................!

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