Sunday 17 June 2012


The Cholera germ had been brought to the laboratory of the scientist. There was a report that an epidemic of cholera had taken 50,000 lives in the state.

The scientist was wild with the cholera germ but the latter pleaded for mercy.

"How can I help exterminating you, when I know that you have taken a heavy toll of 50,000 lives?" asked the scientist.

"Your information is incorrect, my Lord," said the cholera germ. " I killed only 5000 people".

"You liar!"

"No my Lord I don't utter falsehood. The rest of them 45,000 died of fear. Fear is infinitely more powerful than I am. Kindly take steps to eradicate this fear from the heart of man".

"No serum or drug that I can manufacture can remove fear from the hearts of man. He must take refuge at the lotus feet of Saints, have their satsang and cultivate an unshakable faith in God. he must recite the Mahamrityunjaya mantra and meditate on the disease less, birth less and deathless Atma". replied scientist

courtesy Swami Sivananda.

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