Thursday 12 July 2012

Baba restored the lost property to the owner.
I got the opportunity to visit Shirdi in the month of May, 1961. My daughter and her husband carried me there. All arrangements of going there from Indore to Manmad by railway train were just like magic happenings and from Manmad to Indore and back. I thought I was in dream. It was Thursday. I had my first dar-shan of His exulted Holiness of Shri Sai Baba. I stood before the Samadhi and His Shrine and tears of joy burst from my eyes. At Shirdi my daughter while tak­ing her bath forgot in the bath room her gold neck-lace-chain. When coming out bath room she left it there. She did not even remember that she had forgotten something. After having performed puja and abhishek of Shri Sai Baba, we returned to rest for a while. We had put our lodging on the gallery (second store) just in front of the Mantap or hall. Suddenly my daughter had a recollection that she had forgotten her gold neck­lace-chain in the bath room. We searched here and there. No where could we find it. We thought that it was lost for good. In the meantime, I consoled my daughter not to worry over the incident. At night on the same day when some songs and bhajans were being sung by various artists, a man came there and announced in the mike "I have found a necklace. The person to whom it belongs, should come forward and claim it with proper proof". Thereupon my daughter and husband approached the man and proved the claim. She got it back. We wanted to find out the man to give him some reward for his good turn. But the man disappeared. He was a young roan. Since this event, my whole family including my son and daughters and daughter-in-laws have became Shri Sai Baba ardent devotees and whene­ver a chance comes by the way, they do go to Shirdi to pay their due respects to Shri Sai Baba and His Samadhi and bring prasad and UDI.
Surrender Shri Sai Completely ! Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there

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