Tuesday 14 December 2010

Who is Baba (i.e., Jnana)

(Q): Baba, who are you? Whence?
A.: (Sai Baba in the mood of Absolute). I have no residence. I am the attributeless Absolute-Nirguna, (again, in the mood of Duality). By the action of Karma I got embroiled and came to a body. My name is "The embodied-Dehi". The world is my abode. Brahman is my father, and Maya my mother. By their interlocking I got this body. The world is mutable, evanescent.
(To Appa Kulkarni) Allah or The Nirguna (Parabrahma) became Saguna Parabrahma (known as) Mohiniraja at Nivas. Go and bow before him. God manifests all his powers for the benefit of his devotees, (cf.145)
Sri Sai Babas Charters and Sayings by Narasimha Swami

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