Wednesday 2 November 2011


THE CALL OF THE DWARKAMAYI : Sssss.......Silence ! Its 3.00am at the Dwarkamayi. In this silence SHRI SAI's voice can be heard speaking to you. The Sattwik pure energy that permeates the Masjid at thishour creates ineffable joy & divine bliss which can only be experienced but not described. SHRI SAI has pure Sattwik energy but unless the surrounding & the time are not Sattwik, one cannot see or feel SAI. Its 93 years since SHRI SAI has shed HIS mortal coil and yet ever living presence is as powerful than ever. SHRI SAI's wake up call to HIS devotees is 3.0am. Arise, awake, hear SAI,s voice in a pure Sattwic atmosphere. Once the Rajasic energy starts flowing in after 5am, the contact with SAI is lost. The world wakes up, SAI sleeps. Conversely , when the world sleeps, SAI is awake. SHRI SAI is awake. SHRI SAI never slept it is said and HIS meditations at night had links with the Himalayan sages.

JAI SAINATH.....................!

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