Wednesday 2 November 2011


RINANUBANDHA PART 11 : Bhagat Mhalsapathy : Perhaps with the exception of Megha no other devotee could equal Bhagat Mhalsapathy in spiritual stature. One might wonder what could be the strong rinanubandha between Bhagat Mhalsa and SHRI SAI. Yes there was such a link between the two else the famous " Aao Sai " episode would not have taken place outside the Khandoba Mandir in 1858. For 60 years ( 1858-1918 ) Bhagat served SAI at Shiridi. The real test came in 1886 when SAI left HIS body for 72 hours at the responsibility of Bhagat who zealously guarded it till HE returned. It was SAI's will that Bhagat guard HIS body. This rinanubandha is extremely powerful. Let alone the various leelas of SAI that Mhalsa experienced. Over and above. Sai took care of Bhagat & despite his abject poverty,he was never tempted by money. He always stood by SAI serving HIM selflessly . He was desireless so to say.

BOLO JAI SAINATH............................!

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